Welcome to Miles For Mental Health
Every Person Matters:
Raising Awareness for Mental Health and Alzheimer's
Join a journey to break the silence and build a more supportive community.
Alzheimer's: A Cruel Thief of Memories:
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that gets worse over time. it robs individuals of their precious memories, the very essence of who they are. It's a tragedy that demands awareness and ongoing research.
Our Goal: Breaking the Silence:
Mental health struggles often remain hidden, shrouded in stigma and silence. Our goal is to raise awareness and engage in discussions to shed light on mental health and Alzheimer’s disease.
Share Your Story
We all have stories of hope and resilience. Share yours on social media using #EveryPersonMatters and inspire others.
Miles For Mental Health
Personal Inspiration and Purpose
Every person has a raison d'être — a reason for being — even if the source of their inspiration stems from adversity, hardship and tragedy. The human mind is like a fortress; it is the place in which the full extent of our deepest thoughts find solace, and yet, tragically, it is the same place in which millions of people suffer in silence. Over the years, I have watched some of my closest friends and loved ones endure mental health issues, as well as contend with the debilitating condition that is Alzheimer’s disease. I am under no illusion as to the gravity of these problems, and thus, I do not expect that they will be eradicated overnight. However, if I can simply make a tangible difference by contributing to the health, well-being and enrichment of a handful of people, I would consider that a worthy cause. In addition, many of my friends and family have offered their lives in service for a greater good in law enforcement and other capacities, and in my view, will forever be venerated as veterans. I wholeheartedly respect the sacrifices that they made and hope to honour their legacy and also live a life of service. Truly, it is my hope that I can bring attention to these afflictions by using my time, energy, resources and sense of purpose to raise awareness and engage in discussions that bring light to the darkness and seek clarity from the chaos.
Miles For Mental Health
Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease and Mental Health
Alzheimer’s remains a central part of this awareness campaign, and anyone who has experienced this in their life through someone close to them can attest to the cruelness of it. Our memories are the currency of our emotions — whether in joy or sadness, they all count. And so, to be deprived of the ability to harbour memories of our lives is a tragedy that is beyond description, in my view. It is my hope that I can do my bit to raise awareness about this awful disease. Further to this, in thinking about mental health, it is a common fallacy to think that because one is perceived to ‘have it worse’ than their neighbour, then their plight must be less grave or less vital for discussion than someone else’s. But mental health should not be a stigma or label that people willingly or subconsciously overlook or even write off. Though we might not ever know them, there are thousands of people who choose not to live another day, and therefore, simply being here to see tomorrow is a victory in itself. We all have people who care about us and whose lives would be vastly different without us in them, and so, it is important to cherish those around us, while we have them. Every person’s individual circumstances are in their very nature, ‘personal,’ and just as one cannot directly feel the joys and triumphs that others enjoy, so too is the case for a person’s lowest points in life. I believe that if we can respect the fact that we do not know somebody’s entire story, perspective, context and experience, we can be a little bit more empathic. And a little bit of empathy can go a long way towards changing the world for the better.
Miles For Mental Health
Journey and Mission
Ultimately, my initial goal is to traverse the state of Connecticut, firstly, through the Farmington Valley Heritage Trail from the Massachusetts State line to New Haven. Following this, I will work my way to every town, walking as many parks and trails as I can. Thereafter, I will continue the journey for those who do not see a path through and those who are no longer able to walk the path forward with us. I hope that embarking on this journey will allow me to be a light to those directly affected by mental health and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as those who have lost someone to both conditions. Throughout this journey, I am determined to live by and evoke three important words that have inspired me into action, and that I hope will also encourage others to never give up — tomorrow needs you.